Library App Gives 24 Hour Access To Favorite Books

Kayla S.
Librarian Megan Saladino shows how easy it is to use the new MackinViA app to access Longfellow’s eBook and audiobook collection

At the library orientation this year, the librarians announced access to a new app. According to Head Librarian Ms. Saladino, the app allows access to the digital collection of both ebooks and audiobooks at any time of day, and they’ll load straight to the phone.
It’s called MackinVIA, and the library gained access to it over the summer. They can’t wait for students to hop on. To help increase usership, they are hoping to offer Lancer Time classes for interested students.
The great thing about this app, according to Saladino, is the fact that it can be used on the go. The app can be used in the car, on a plane, at the park, etc. Another reason to use MackinVIA is easy access. Once its downloaded from the web store to your phone, any ebook or audiobook is easily downloadable anytime. And, if the item you want is checked out, put it on hold and it will automatically appear on your phone as soon as it is available.
Another benefit would include no library fines. Since the app automatically returns the book for you after 24 hours, you won’t need to worry about returning it yourself.
“I think it’s a great way for students to be able to enjoy books on the go,” Saladino said. “This way they can access books digitally when they are not in school. They can also access audiobooks and listen to them when they are in the car or whatever else they might be doing.”
Studies show that audiobooks provide many benefits, especially to young readers. Western Downs Library, a public library in Australia, listed several of them to encourage their patrons to try them out.
Audiobooks can increase reading accuracy by 52%, and comprehension (that means understanding what you read) by 76%. They also expand vocabulary and teach pronunciation.
“I love using it for audiobooks,” said Ms. Saladino. “My son and I like to listen to books while we are in the car together.”
Longfellow’s librarians are excited to help students discover the app and find new ways to access books they will love.