How Old is Too Old For Trick-or-Treating?
Middle school is a time of transition, when some kids decide they are too old for trick-or-treating.
Trick or treating; a source of fun and controversy. As the spooky season draws to a close, some of us are wondering, “Are we too old to trick or treat next year?”
“I don’t really think that there’s an age limit to it,” said 8th grader Jennifer N. “It’s honestly just a fun activity that everyone can participate in.”
In 2015, a survey on revealed 57 percent of people polled believed somewhere between ages 12 and 15 was too old to trick or treat. However, 19 percent thought it was fine to trick-or-treat after age 18.
According to and Fortune magazine, some places actually have laws restricting older kids from trick or treating. One of those places is Chesapeake, Virginia, which limits the trick-or-treat age to kids 12 and under. Thirteen and older trick-or-treaters can be charged with a misdemeanor and fined up to $100. Some other areas with restriction laws in place are Virginia Beach, Portsmith, Suffolk, and Norfolk, which all make trick or treating beyond age 12 a crime.
Laws like these have sparked a lot of online debate but are rarely, if ever, enforced. And none of them mention what might be an even more controversial question, can you trick-or-treat without a costume?
“I don’t think I would [trick-or-treat without a costume],” Jennifer said. “By that point, you’re just asking for free candy, and I feel like the costume is part of the whole package.”
Whether or not trick-or-treating is part of your Halloween traditions, one advantage to the Holiday is its placement on the school calendar.
“It’s convenient that it’s right after the first quarter ends because you can sort of relax after your grades are in,” Jennifer added.
Trick or treating is a fun activity, and in Mclean, there is no age limit, so it’s up to you to decide when to stop. Until then, have fun participating in this awesome tradition.