COVID-19 Has Drastically Changed Family Relationships
Image by Venita Oberholster from Pixabay
Families faced extra challenges this year as they lived, worked, and went to school all under the same roof.
By Wen Wu
COVID-19 has changed our relationships in so many unexpected ways, forcing them to fall apart with some people and gain connection with others.
“Life in lockdown has necessitated close, constant contact with our families and partners, but social distancing measures have isolated us from our friends and wider communities,” stated an article from the BBC entitled “Is Covid-19 changing our relationships?”
Depression has also risen due to isolation. According to Global Funds for Children, a charity organization, more than 1.6 billion students in over 190 countries have experienced disruptions to their education. People are basically stranded inside their homes without any interactions outside.
“It left me in shock because COVID had hit me hard and unexpectedly,” said Yang W., an 8th grader at Longfellow. “Living without sports and traveling is like taking away something addictive. It’s really painful.” Yang has been on multiple sports teams, and he was planning to go overseas. Now, everything is canceled.
Days and days of no interaction can cause depression. “The rates of depression suicidal thoughts were expected to rise,” stated an article called “World Health.” How do you prevent such a disastrous effect?
“Well, I’ve started interacting more with my brother.” Said Ethan, a 7th grader. “We exercised, played outdoor games, and did all kinds of activities.”
A lot of people started to think of creative ideas for their spare time. Eighth-grader Daniel B. and his family all gather together every Sunday afternoon to talk about future goals and tasks they want to accomplish growing up. He and his dad also held an online fitness club to let kids stay active.
“This club benefits a lot of people, especially during quarantine situations,” said Daniel. “It is a time where you get together with your family and release stress.”
We all have our downs in life, causing us to feel hopeless and depressed, but we have to know that there are efficient ways to relieve those things. Take some time to talk to your family. Getting together with your siblings and doing activities with them can make a huge difference. As
George E. Lang once said, “Brothers and sisters can say things to one another that no one else can.