Opinion: Jordans Are Not Worth

Photo by Helai M. and Elaine Y. Z.
Dorar Alsaeedi is wearing her Nikes.
This may be a controversial opinion, but we believe that Air Jordans, the popular tennis shoe named for basketball great Michael Jordan are not worth the purchase due to the fact that they are basic, overpriced, and not practical.
Michael Jordan was instrumental in the popularity of specialty tennis shoes. Nike introduced the Air Jordan 1 in the 80s setting off this rise in the sneaker industry.
Today, sneakers like Jordans, Converse, Air Forces, and Vans are evident in the halls of Longfellow. Students express themselves through their shoes because it shows their interests and gives them social status.
In fact, the popularity of sneakers has been increasing for decades. They have become an even bigger trend in recent years due to celebrity endorsements, the underground hip-hop scene, and connections to improvement in sports, particularly basketball.
“They’re, like, the hit thing and they help people express themselves,” said 7th-grader Finn S.
Although there are a lot of students that believe Jordans are overhyped, many students still disagree.
“I don’t think they’re overrated,” said seventh grader Leyat N. “I know they’re expensive and all, but I don’t think they are overrated. I think they’re good quality shoes, they last pretty long, and they’re nice shoes.”
Jordans are fairly pricey, usually around $130. Although Jordans are stylish and popular, we think they are very overrated and overpriced.
“I think that they are overrated,” agrees Finn. “They still are very good quality shoes, but they also are very overrated.”
The Air Jordan 1s are quite overhyped because they are not that different from other brands. They may offer comfort and style, but other brands like Nike, Adidas, Reebok, and Converse offer similar designs at much lower prices.
Some people say they are classics, but the truth is they don’t make them like they used to. The leather is too wrinkled and much less durable than the original Jordans made in the 80s. They are not durable enough for all weather conditions, which means they can be easily destroyed by snow or rain. The only reason they are bought so often is because it has become a popular contest among kids who believe that owning a pair of Air Jordan 1s will bring them higher status.
Overall, you shouldn’t buy Jordans just because they’re trendy. They aren’t worth it if you’re just trying to impress others. Many alternatives are stylish, better quality, and much cheaper. While Jordan’s are trending right now, they’ll just look outdated soon. They just aren’t worth their price.