Candygrams Alleviate Stress Before Testing

Photo by Joe Naylor, CC BY 2.0 via Flickr

Candy Grams included three Jolly Ranchers to brighten students day heading into SOLs.

Whether you’re a teacher or a student, we can all agree that SOLs are the most

stressful time of the year. To help everyone through this stressful time, the Leadership Development class organized a candygram campaign.

The Leadership Development Class is a newly added elective that focuses on making Longfellow a better place. They practice public speaking and teamwork projects along with planning parties and after-school functions.

One of their most successful programs was the candygrams. As a way to alleviate some of the stress of testing, students could send candy along with a nice note to friends and Longfellow staff. For only $1 apiece, students could brighten the day of anyone in the school or even schedule one for themselves.

“I had students who were highly motivated to put things together, and we took shifts for sales,”  said Leadership teacher Sarah Barry about the nitty-gritty of the operation. Students volunteered to work in the Cafeteria for all four lunches, including during their own free time,  to man the sales table.

Once all orders were in, the Leadership Development students assembled these candygrams with three jolly ranchers, bundled in a plastic bag with a decorative note.  The candygrams were distributed and delivered to the lucky recipients just as SOLs were approaching.

Students of the Leadership Development Class worked hard to get all of the candygrams set and ready to be sent out.