Student Leaders Win SCA Positions

Just before the Virginia General Elections, Longfellow held an election of our own. Students campaigned for different positions in the Student Council Association, such as president for each grade level, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and historian. During the election, each candidate made a video presentation for the morning news and a large poster to hang up in the hallways. Students voted for their favorite candidate during Lancer Time on October 26th.

Avi A. was elected 8th grade president. Avi’s goal was to get some experience and just start getting to know people.

“I wanted to meet people, learn things and, of course, just impact the community in some way,” he explained.

Avi is in charge of planning and coordinating events for all students, making sure that everyone is working together. Although he does play a larger role in the SCA, every other member is just as valuable.

In addition to 8th grade president, the other members of the SCA include Audrey L., 7th grade president; Audrey K., vice president; Mickey B., secretary; Zeyue D., treasurer; and Emilija M., historian.

The group’s co-sponsor, After School Coordinator Riley Barrows, believes that holding an office in the SCA is an important lesson in leadership, commitment, comradery, and dedication.

“It teaches you a number of leadership opportunities that you’re going to use as you go on in life,” said Barrows. “It’s also a great way to socialize with friends that have the same [interests]. You know, everybody in the Student Council is there because they want to be there, and they enjoy it.”

According to Barrows, middle school SCA is a great way for students to have somebody to speak on their behalf.

“Sometimes teachers and administrators don’t really always know the issues that are plaguing students. Students do know that, so they can be a voice of the people and communicate [with the administrators],” Barrows said.

The SCA is very busy and time-consuming when it comes to planning and running different events; however, it is also an exceptional way of being a school leader. Students who do not have a designated role also contribute to the development of the SCA. Non-elected members of the SCA get involved with everything, but they don’t have as much responsibility and things to manage. Siryn G. signed up because it sounded fun to him. Lola D. enjoys planning parties and thought it would be a good experience for high school.

In middle school, students are exposed to more serious or new problems surrounding or involving the students. The SCA is working towards listening and working with students to fix these problems in and outside of our community.

“I do really like helping people, but also leading a project[with other people],” said Vice President Audrey K., who described her job as supporting the presidents to accomplish all of their projects.

So far, projects include a canned food drive for Thanksgiving collecting over 100 pounds of non-perishable food items. Students were encouraged to bring in specific foods to drop off at the office before the school went on Fall Break. They also want to hold some fun activities like school dances but need to work around COVID-19 protocols to keep everyone safe.

The Student Council Association meets every Thursday after school during the first block. This school year, the SCA is being run by Mr. Kelly, an eighth grade science teacher, and Mr. Barrows, an after-school event coordinator.