Internet Gets Starring Role in Fall Play
Micah confronts the many distractions the of the internet, which come to life in her home as she tries to complete an assignment.
All those pop-up ads and distracting clickbait came to life on the Longfellow stage when The Longfellow Theater put on their first live play in over two years. The play is called “The Internet is a Distract—Oh Look a Kitten,” and the audience seemed to really connect to the story, especially since we can all relate to the struggles of online learning and schoolwork because of COVID-19.
The play featured the main character, Micah, played on alternate nights by Bella Anderson and Martina Nilsa Cantua. Micah needs to complete an assignment before school starts. Unfortunately, she runs into many internet distractions, posing the question, “Will she finish in time?”
Instead of only existing on the computer, however, the computer distractions, including browsers, ads, memes, and click-bait, popped up live and talked to Micah and the audience, making explicit some of the inherent problems with trying to stay focused on the internet.
“It is easy to relate to, in the sense that we all have this problem on a semi-frequent basis,” said Mia Mortman, who played the role of Micah’s mom.
“I thought this play would be relatable, as well as funny given what we’ve been through,” Mrs. Barry, the director of the play, stated. “It’s a testament to how distracted we can be when we’re constantly on a computer, and the things we find ourselves doing when we’re not doing what we’re supposed to be doing.”
The play was a new experience for both actors and directors alike because of the safety procedures. An example is the masks the actors are required to wear.
These masks are specifically designed so that the audience can see their mouths move.
Of course, the masks still made the actors’ jobs difficult. According to Bella, “Because we were in a mask, it was really hard to hear people and show facial expressions.” Eva Weil, who played the role of Micah’s mom, commented saying, “The masks definitely make projecting harder, and the mask straps are uncomfortable with the mics.”
Mrs. Barry was hesitant about having an in-person play this year, the first since Covid Quarantine began in 2020.
“With things changing as much as they did last year, I was nervous to believe this was happening,” she said. “But as the school year started and it seemed we weren’t going to have Covid drama, I got excited to get back to directing in person and seeing people in the actual performance space.”
The play wasn’t only enjoyable for the audience but also for those putting on the show.
“Being in the play is so much fun,” Morgan Hoffman, who played the role of Fiona, a fellow student from Micah’s school, said. “I get to act, which is one of my favorite things to do, and I met so many new people.”
Overall, the play was a big success, entertaining, fun, and an enjoyable show for everyone to watch.