How to be an Exemplary Student


Ms. Shapiro’s class shows exemplary student behavior by raising hands to ask questions and share their thoughts.

Two months into the school year, as students are striving to get back into the habit of rigorous in-person learning, a look at what makes an exemplary student could provide focus and motivation.

“I expect my students to listen and participate in class, and to have an open mind, and to share their ideas,” said 7th grade English teacher Bruce Wilson.

Many teachers have similar opinions on what makes an exemplary student. They were commonly described as someone who participates and tries their best to succeed in class. 

An exemplary student is, “a student who is very curious, who wants to learn new things and who is open to trying different types of things,” said librarian Meghan Saladino.

Ms. Saladino is proud of her students when they are willing to help each other. For example, mainstream and special needs students spending lunch time working together on the jigsaw puzzles.  

Mr. Wilson is proud of his students when they engage in discussions and ask questions. He says that exemplary students “look forward to sharing their ideas even if they are wrong,” and they are, “willing to understand why they are wrong.” 

Being the best student you can be is difficult coming out of the pandemic. After a year to a year and a half of online learning, meeting new people is a new experience. In addition to that, it is hard for many students to keep on track of their lessons since it’s harder to communicate with their teachers.

“I think this year was a little bit of a challenge, but it’s getting better everyday,” said history teacher Noel Kellams.

Teachers sometimes get discouraged by students, too. They get discouraged when students are afraid to try new things, or give up without even trying.  But they are not always expecting students to be exemplary. Especially after enduring covid and online learning. 

In order to help everyone get back on track, Mr. Kellams tries to meet the students where they are. If they are struggling with something, he helps them out, and if they are exceeding, he gives them more things to do. He doesn’t  want students to overwork or force themselves, but wants them to be curious, responsible, and ask questions.

“I would like to say that I love being a teacher, I love getting to know students, and I enjoy spending time with them,” said Mr. Kellams.